Elite Hair Centers

We know that choosing a hair restoration provider is an important decision. At Elite Hair Centers, our unique dermatology and plastic surgery team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results with expertise and passion. This is what sets us apart from the competition.

FUE Hair Transplant

Am I a suitable candidate for a hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a treatment for the absence of hair. Suitability for a hair transplant depends on various factors such as the extent of hair loss, the availability of an adequate donor area, overall health, and expectations. But essentially, someone who is interested in a permanent solution to their hair loss, and is also open to maintenance therapies for hair thinning. Consulting with us is the best way to determine if you are a suitable candidate.

What is an FUE” hair transplant and what is NeoGraft?

“F.U.E.” or Follicular-Unit Extraction” is an advanced, minimally-invasive” hair transplant method which allows for the harvesting of individual follicles from the back of the head (donor area) without a scalpel or stitches, and therefore leaves no linear scar. NeoGraft™ is a new automated device which facilitates the harvesting of follicles during a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and implantation hair transplant procedure, dramatically improving the accuracy and speed

Is a hair transplant a painful procedure?

During the hair transplant procedure, local anesthesia is administered to ensure minimal discomfort or pain. Some patients may experience mild soreness or discomfort in the donor and recipient areas after the procedure, but it is usually manageable with pain medication.

What is the recovery process like?

The recovery process can vary depending on the individual and the transplantation method used. Generally, with FUE hair transplant there may be some mild swelling, scabbing, or redness in the recipient area, which typically resolves within a few days to a week. Following post-operative instructions, such as avoiding strenuous activities and proper care of the recipient area, is important for optimal healing.

When will I see the results of a hair transplant?

Hair transplant results are not immediate. After the procedure, the transplanted hair will typically shed within a few weeks to a month. New hair growth will gradually begin within a few months after that, and visible improvement can be seen around six to nine months. Full results may take up to a year to develop.

Are the results of a hair transplant permanent?

Yes, the transplanted hair is typically permanent since the follicles are resistant to the effects of hair loss. However, it’s important to note that existing hair in other areas may still be susceptible to natural hair loss over time which is why maintenance therapies are still necessary.

Are there any risks or complications associated with hair transplants?

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and complications, although they are generally rare. These can include infection, bleeding, scarring, or an unnatural appearance if not performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. Choosing a reputable clinic and surgeon greatly reduces the risk of complications.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP)

What is PRP hair treatment?

PRP hair treatment is a non-surgical procedure that uses the patient’s own blood plasma, enriched with platelets, to stimulate hair growth and improve hair density. The platelets contain growth factors that are believed to promote the regeneration of hair follicles.

How is PRP hair treatment performed?

During a PRP hair treatment, blood is drawn from the patient, and the platelet-rich plasma is separated through a centrifugation process. The concentrated PRP is then injected into the scalp in areas of hair loss or thinning

How does PRP stimulate hair growth?

PRP contains growth factors that can promote hair follicle health, improve blood circulation in the scalp, and stimulate dormant hair follicles, potentially leading to hair regrowth and thicker, healthier hair.

Who is a suitable candidate for PRP hair treatment?

PRP hair treatment is generally suitable for individuals experiencing hair thinning or hair loss, including both men and women. It is probably most effective for people who are early on in their hairless and when combined with other therapies. A consultation with us can help determine if it is suitable for you.

How many PRP sessions are needed, and how often?

The number of PRP sessions and the frequency of treatments vary based on individual factors such as the severity of hair loss and the desired results. Typically, 3 sessions spaced at least a month apart are recommended to start, with maintenance sessions every 4-6 months advised to sustain the results over time.

Is PRP hair treatment painful?

Some patients may experience mild pain or discomfort during the procedure or temporary soreness afterward, but it is generally well-tolerated.

What are the potential side effects of PRP hair treatment?

PRP hair treatment is generally considered safe, as the patient’s own blood is used. Side effects are rare but may include mild swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection sites. These typically subside within a few days.

How soon can I expect to see results from PRP hair treatment?

Results from PRP hair treatment can vary among individuals. Some patients may start to notice improvement in hair quality and thickness within a few months after treatment, while others may require multiple sessions to observe noticeable changes.

Low level laser therapy

How does LLLT work for hair loss?

LLLT is believed to work by increasing blood circulation in the scalp, promoting nutrient delivery to the hair follicles and stimulating cellular activity. It may help extend the growth phase of the hair cycle, leading to thicker, fuller hair and potentially slowing down hair loss.

Who is a suitable candidate for LLLT?

LLLT can be suitable for both men and women experiencing hair thinning or mild to moderate hair loss. And because of its very low risk of side effects, it can be used as complementary or maintenance treatment for individuals who may not be suitable candidates for surgical procedures or as part of a comprehensive hair loss treatment plan for all patients.

How is LLLT for hair loss administered?

LLLT devices for hair loss are typically designed for home use, allowing individuals to perform treatments themselves. These devices often resemble a helmet or a comb-like apparatus that emits low-level laser or LED light. We recommend the Theradome helmet, in which the use wears the device on the scalp 3x per week for 20 minutes.

Is LLLT for hair loss effective?

Although results may vary among individuals, most people will experience positive outcomes in terms of hair growth and hair quality.

How long does it take to see results from LLLT?

LLLT is a gradual process, and visible results may take time. It typically requires consistent and regular use over several months (at least 12 weeks) to see potential improvements in hair growth, thickness, and overall hair quality. Adherence to the treatment schedule is key.

Are there any side effects of LLLT for hair loss?

LLLT is generally considered safe, as it is non-invasive and non-thermal. Side effects are rare, but some individuals may experience scalp irritation, redness, or temporary shedding of hair. These effects are usually mild and temporary.

Can LLLT be used in combination with other hair loss treatments?

LLLT can be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other hair loss treatments, such as medications or hair transplantation. Combining therapies may provide synergistic effects and potentially enhance the overall outcomes. Consultation with us to help determine the most suitable treatment plan for your specific needs.


What is minoxidil?

Minoxidil is a medication available as a treatment primarily for androgenetic alopecia (male or female pattern hair loss), although it can be used for other types of hair loss as well. It comes in various topical formulations, as well as, an oral pill.

How does minoxidil work for hair loss?

The exact mechanism of action of minoxidil is not fully understood. However, it is believed to promote hair growth by stimulating hair follicles, increasing blood flow to the scalp, and extending the growth phase of the hair cycle.

Who is a suitable candidate for minoxidil?

Minoxidil is suitable for both men and women experiencing male or female pattern hair loss. It can be used in cases of mild to moderate hair thinning. It is generally not recommended for individuals with a receding hairline or complete baldness. A consultation can help determine if the topical for oral formulation is best for you.

How long does it take to see results from minoxidil?

Results from minoxidil can vary among individuals. Some people may start to see improvements in hair growth and thickness within a few months of consistent use. However, it may take up to six months or more to observe noticeable changes. Continuous use is essential to maintain the results.

Can minoxidil be used in combination with other hair loss treatments?

Yes, minoxidil can be used in combination with other hair loss treatments, such as finasteride or low-level laser therapy, to potentially enhance the outcomes. Combining therapies may provide synergistic effects and address hair loss from different angles. Consultation can help determine the most suitable treatment plan for your specific needs.

Are there any potential side effects of minoxidil?

Common side effects of minoxidil may include scalp irritation, dryness, itching, or flaking for the topical formulation, and orthostatic hypotension and leg swelling for the oral formulation. These side effects are usually mild and resolve on their own, or with dose reduction. Occasionally, minoxidil may cause unwanted hair growth on other parts of the body.

Is minoxidil a permanent solution for hair loss?

Minoxidil is not a permanent solution for hair loss. It is a maintenance treatment that needs to be continued long-term to sustain the results. If minoxidil is discontinued, the benefits may gradually diminish, and hair loss will resume.


How do finasteride and dutasteride work for hair loss?

Finasteride and dutasteride are oral medications that work by inhibiting the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). By reducing DHT levels, these medications help to slow down hair thinning and promote hair regrowth in cases of male pattern baldness. For this reason, they are very specific to the mechanism of androgenetic alopecia.

What is the difference between finasteride and dutasteride?

The main difference between finasteride and dutasteride is their potency and mechanism of action. Dutasteride inhibits both Type I and Type II 5-alpha-reductase enzymes, while finasteride primarily inhibits Type II. As a result, dutasteride is more effective at reducing DHT levels but may also have a higher risk of side effects. Finasteride is FDA approved for hair loss, whereas dutasteride is used off-label.

Who is a suitable candidate for these treatments and do they work?

Finasteride and dutasteride are primarily used in men with male pattern hair loss and are highly effective for greater than 90% of patients. They are generally not recommended for use in pre-menopausal women, particularly those who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, due to the potential risk to a developing fetus; however, they are effective for many post-menopausal women who experience hair loss. It is important to consult to determine if you are a candidate for this treatment.

What are the potential side effects?

Common side effects of finasteride and dutasteride may include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and changes in ejaculation. These side effects are generally rare (less than 3%) and reversible upon lowering the dose or discontinuation of the medication. However, dutasteride may carry a slightly higher risk of side effects compared to finasteride.

How long does it take to see results?

Hair regrowth/thickening results can vary among individuals. Some individuals may start to see improvement in hair growth and thickness within a few months, while others may require more extended periods, typically around six to twelve months, to observe noticeable changes. Consistency in medication use is crucial for optimal results.

What if I stop taking the medication?

Unfortunately, all the the hair that was preserved by the medication will be lost over 4-6 months after stopping it. Essentially, you will return to your normal state without the medication, but you will not lose additional hair because you were on the medication. Therefore, you should start the medication as soon as you can and be as compliant as possible.

Can finasteride or dutasteride be used in combination with other hair loss treatments?

Yes, they can be used in combination with other hair loss treatments, such as topical minoxidil, PRP, low-level laser therapy, and in concert with hair transplantation to potentially enhance the outcomes. Combining therapies may provide synergistic effects and address hair loss from different angles.

Is a prescription required for finasteride or dutasteride?

Yes, both finasteride and dutasteride are prescription medications and should be obtained under the supervision of a healthcare professional. It is important to consult with us to assess your suitability for the medication, provide guidance on proper usage, and monitor for any potential side effects or interactions.

Intradermal dutasteride and minoxidil

What is the difference between the injectable and oral or topical formulation?

The injectable formulation allows us to deliver the medication more precisely to the hair follicle base, where it can be most effective as delivering results. Topical formulations are generally limited by absorption into the scalp. Oral formulations are quite effective, but sometimes cause other side effects.

Who is a suitable candidate for PRP hair treatment?

Men and post-menopausal women can use a combination of dutasteride and minoxidil as injections, while pre-menopausal women can use minoxidil alone. These treatments can be added onto patients who are already on oral medications as a booster, or can be used in lieu of certain oral medications if a patient has side effects.

How many sessions are needed, and how often?

The number of sessions and the frequency of treatments vary based on individual factors such as the severity of hair loss and the desired results. Typically, 3 sessions spaced at least a month apart are recommended to start, with maintenance sessions every 4-6 months advised to sustain the results over time.

Is this hair treatment painful?

Some patients may experience mild pain or discomfort during the procedure or temporary soreness afterward, but it is generally well-tolerated.

What are the potential side effects of PRP hair treatment?

Side effects are rare but may include mild swelling, redness, or bruising at the injection sites. These typically subside within a few days.

How soon can I expect to see results from PRP hair treatment?

Results can vary among individuals. Some patients may start to notice improvement in hair quality and thickness within a few months after treatment, while others may require multiple sessions to observe noticeable changes.


What is the difference between hair supplements and regular vitamins?

These hair supplements are formulated with components that are specifically designed to support hair growth and so are therefore more effective than typical daily multi-vitamins that are not designed to grow hair.

Are there side effects?

Generally, these are well tolerated, but one could always be allergic to certain components of the ingredients.

How long does it take to see results?

Results can vary among individuals. Some people may start to notice improvements in hair quality, thickness, and growth within a few months of consistent use. However, it may take several months or longer to observe significant changes. Continuous use is generally recommended to sustain the results.

Can these be used in combination with other hair loss treatments?

Yes, it is recommended that these be used as a complementary treatment alongside other hair loss interventions, such as topical minoxidil or prescribed medications. Combining therapies may provide synergistic effects and address hair loss from different angles.

What else should I know about these?

You should be aware that certain components of these vitamins can interfere with lab tests and they should probably be discontinue before getting bloodwork, out of caution.



Dr. Fischer and the staff is courteous, knowledgeable, and professional!

- Betty Bowens-Rodgers

Dr Wijay that removed my Lipoma was FANTASTIC, the staff was very personable and friendly as soon as I walked in the door. They removed a 6x6cm Lipoma and I cannot tell you how much better I feel today! These guys are 1st Class all the way!

- Kenneth Smith

It was a beautiful office, peaceful feeling. The service was very quick, Dr. Fischer was real efficient.

- Barbara Davis

